It’s A Whopper

Post #619

You know, as I get older, I really really feel remorse for the younger generations. Yes, I know that today there are SO many more things to comprehend and to befuddle us older people. Take for example the confusion around Central America. In “my” day Central America consisted of all the countries South of the U.S. and north of South America. It was only a few years ago, my eldest son corrected my understanding, there is only North America and South America. And wouldn’t you know, last week on a national news program, a 20 something year old was discussing and event in Central America!! Wonder where that was?

Yet, there is so much the younger generation has missed out on; like using a DIAL telephone, connected to a wall, whose handset cord only reached to the chair you could sit in. Or the television whose channel selector was a rotary dial, and your remote was your kid who you told to get up and change the channel!

In the early 1970’s, my grandparents fell in love with a new product. They lived for their weekly visit to obtain it. Most loving grandparents want to share what they know with their grandchildren and mine were no exception. A date was arranged, and they took me to Burger King to become acquainted with the newly devised WHOPPER! Yes, they had fallen in love with this burger. I was advised that unlike McDonald’s, a side of fries was not necessary. And true to fact this thing was SO HUGE, all beef patty, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, catsup, it was a two-fisted meal in itself.

I’m fast approaching another birthday. The numbers are becoming so large that I wince at the thought of them, and scarcely understand how I got here so quickly. There is a fact, in my extended life, that continues to upset me however, product size. This is NOT a new blog topic of mine. I’ve oft mentioned the inability to buy a half gallon of ice cream, and the list goes on and on. So as my numbers go up, product size continues too dimmish.

And so it was that I pulled into a Burger King not long ago and ordered a Whopper. You can imagine my surprise when I noticed its size was around 60% of the original 1970’s offering. Not to be out done, is McDonald’s. While traveling to our summer home we did a McDonald’s stop and found service not as expected (poor) nor was the product size as usual, their hamburgers seemed about 10% smaller, and their chicken sandwich a joke.

Yes, I feel sorry for the younger generations; if this sandwich size is where they start out in life, when they get to be my age, what is their fast-food sandwich going to look like?

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Post 618

So I watched the Oscars the other night. I usually ignore them because, I usually don’t go to theater and if I do, I watch movies that that interest me but never would be up for awards. But I had seen Oppenheimer and I had read the book Killing of the Flower Moon.

So, I suffered through, numerous movies and songs that had never previously crossed my ears. It was interesting to see that Seven Oscars went the direction of Oppenheimer. I was impressed with the statement of Cillian Murphey, “We are living in the Age of Oppenheimer, I dedicate this to the Peace Makers.”

I would venture to say, that very few people today REALLY understand living under that threat of Nuclear War. Those of us ancient peoples, can remember in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, when we just knew the USSR had their finger on the button ready to send us to hell. We had the same capability. In fact, the world held its breath during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, believing that Nuclear War was imminent. Both sides had enough rockets to disintegrate this world 100 times over. And we lived in that fear, albeit we were the world power at the time.

However, we avoid that period, for the moment. the USSR was dismantled, both sides agreed to destroying the majority of their weapons, under each other’s oversight. Along with that we had leaders that worked toward peace, as tentative as it was.

We are still under the Oppenheimer Nuclear Threat, and it seems to be growing. Russia has a leader that desires to re-install the USSR to its former glory, retaking land the countries previously given up. We have leaders, or rather a lack of leadership on the world level, who’s only desire is to eliminate the Constitution for their own Glory of Power, while all the world watches and worries that their base, their support the picture of Democracy the great Eagle, gets flushed down the stool.

There are those that can picture for themselves the result of a nuclear war. I believe the narration goes something like this: “The day will come…in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the element will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth …. will be burned up.”

Interesting that picture was given over 2000 years ago, 2Peter 3:10. The Oppenheimer Effect 67AD

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